I'd been to the pool only once last summer to see Bloc Party, Secret Machines, and Mew--a concert that I needed to pay for. I had no idea that there were free concerts every Sunday (I'm very much behind the times,) but now, I want to go to everything they present to the public. What else does one do on a Sunday?
Anyhow, what I did see was the fantastic show put on by Dengue Fever, a band I had not heard of until the minute they began their set. Dengue Fever is comprised of Chhom Nimol on vocals, Zac Holtzman on guitar and vocals, Ethan Holtzman on the farfisa organ, Senon Williams on bass guitar (he's on fire), David Ralicke on the brass, and Paul Smith on the drums. Just by the names and the wide range of instruments, one could tell that this Cambodian-based surf band is certainly diverse among other things. They really rocked the cigarette smoking, tight tee wearing, sun soaking crowd with their homages to a campy corner of the 1960s rock scene, but in a language other than english. Apart from their awesomely catchy, and occasionally hypnotic and poignant songs, they conveyed great chemistry with each other to the audience. The pool is a big place with an almighty obstacle of noise, but their set was nevertheless intimate.
Songs like "Escape from Dragon House," "Thanks A Lot," and "Sni Bong" left the crowd dancing, and feeling ultra-hip as they listened to what seemed to be familiar and yet fresh music. It was from another country, and unless the audience member was Cambodian, the tongue they spoke in was indecipherable, and still, their performance and sound completely commanded the stage and the pool. Even those who lost themselves on the provided Slip-N-Slide (thanks to Helio and Jelly NYC) were grooving.
Dengue Fever really wowed me, and they will wow you too. Their album, Escape from the Dragon House is out now-- I'm definitely going to whip out my ca$h.
myspace: www.myspace.com/denguefevermusic
Videos I took:
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