OCTOPUS takes one back to the records of The Zombies and to those of a made-up funkier Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. Of course there are modern turns throughout the tracks, but the Bees are certainly outlining their obvious influences. They evolve from the infectious chantyness of "Chicken Payback", and they move onto mild imitation-rock; however, it works. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery; especially when it's done well. Listen to "Go to Let Go," and you will see what I'm talking about--despite me not offering it to you.
A Band of Bees - Love in the Harbour
2. The White Stripes // Icky Thump
This is for my friend Pete. I normally think of The White Stripes staying inside the box of single-metronomal drum catchiness and guitar insanity, and this is no exception. Stripes pull it off; especially in tracks like "Conquest," a Patti Page cover, and "Little Cream Soda." The songs are coated in campyness that it's hard not to even tap your foot. And, to Jack and Meg White's credit, they do incorporate some great brass instruments into the mix. It's a good listen.
(For Pete, I won't put up White Stripes mp3s; we talked about it.)
3. Digitalism // Idealism
Similar to the music and appealing to the followings of Daft Punk and Soulwax, IDEALISM is not really a step forward in electro dance rock, but a celebration of it. "Idealistic" throbs with synths and tough beats while "Apollo-Gize" concludes the record with a somber electronic sing-song. The message of danceable music is undoubtedly conveyed with a digitastic freak flag.
Digitalism - I Want I Want

4. The Pretenders // Get Close (Remastered)
I grew up on this album, so to hear that it was re-released is fantastic. From what I heard, the quality is indeed better, but the songs are still good and recognizably nostalgic. "My Baby" and "Don't Get Me Wrong" are my two personal favorites, but I encourage all to purchase this album or the original. OR you can just listen to it now if you have it. Don't Get Me Wrong...
The Pretenders - Don't Get Me Wrong
I grew up on this album, so to hear that it was re-released is fantastic. From what I heard, the quality is indeed better, but the songs are still good and recognizably nostalgic. "My Baby" and "Don't Get Me Wrong" are my two personal favorites, but I encourage all to purchase this album or the original. OR you can just listen to it now if you have it. Don't Get Me Wrong...
The Pretenders - Don't Get Me Wrong
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